
Neurotoxins (i.e. BOTOX®) are used to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Neurotoxins are most commonly used on the forehead, glabella, and the corners of the eyes.

BOTOX® Cosmetic injections are an extremely popular non-invasive procedure for treating wrinkles. BOTOX® Cosmetic injections can dramatically reduce wrinkles around the forehead, brow (frown lines), eyes (crow’s feet), and lips. The injections are safe, effective, and produce quick results with no recovery time. Did you know that BOTOX® can also be used to treat excessive sweating on the palms, soles, and underarms?  Schedule a consultation to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for treatment with Neurotoxins?
Neurotoxins smooth out expression lines, giving your face a more youthful and rested appearance. Neurotoxins are less effective for deep wrinkles that are present at rest; however, Dr. Lee often combines neurotoxins with other cosmetic procedures such as soft tissue fillers to improve these difficult wrinkles. Patients that are pregnant, breast-feeding, or have certain neurologic diseases should not use neurotoxins. It is also important to note that neurotoxins do not work for all types of wrinkles.

What areas of the body can be treated with Neurotoxins?
On the face, neurotoxins are commonly injected around the glabella (i.e. frown lines), crow’s feet, forehead, nose (i.e. bunny lines), and lips (i.e. smoker’s lines). Neurotoxins can also be used for treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and common treatment areas include the armpits, palms, and soles.

How much does it cost?
The cost of neurotoxin injections depends on the areas that you would like to have treated.

Does it hurt?
There is minimal discomfort with the injections and any pain resolves very quickly.

Is there anything that I need to do to prepare for my treatment?
It is best to refrain from alcohol one week before treatment. Stop all anti-inflammatory medications (i.e. Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, etc.) and aspirin 2 weeks before treatment, as this will minimize your chance of bruising with the procedure. If you take aspirin because you have a history of heart disease or stroke, please consult with your primary physician before stopping aspirin.

How long will it take?
The procedure is quick and typically requires less than 15 minutes.

Is there any down time?
You may resume normal activities immediately, though it is recommended that you do not lie down or vigorously exercise for at least 4 hours after treatment. Avoid touching or massaging the treated area for at least 4 hours after treatment.

What are the side effects?
The most common side effect is temporary bruising. Headaches, which resolve in 24-48 hours, can rarely occur. In some cases, neurotoxin can migrate and cause temporary weakness of nearby muscles. In extremely rare cases, there can be a drooping of an eyelid or asymmetry of facial expression. Fortunately, because neurotoxins are temporary, side effects are reversible and only last for a short period of time.

When will I see results and how long will they last?
The effects of neurotoxin injections may be visible in 3-7 days. Maximum benefits are reached between 10-14 days. Results usually last for approximately 4 months and then fade gradually. You will need follow up treatments 2-4 times a year to maintain your results. Clinical studies show that consistent, repeated treatments over time can lengthen the interval between treatments and produce a longer lasting effect.

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Fillers are used to bring subtle volume and lifting to the skin. They are applied through a simple, non-invasive injection into the treatment area. Fillers may be used to add volume to cheeks and provide lift to the face, restore natural contours, reduce or remove lines and wrinkles, and enhance the shape and fullness of the lips. Fillers are ideal for patients looking to refresh and restore the natural contour of their face.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for treatment with Fillers?
Fillers are gel-like substances that can be injected under the surface of the skin to add volume and soften fine-lines and wrinkles. Common treatment locations include most parts of the face and the backs of hands. Patients that are pregnant or breast feeding should not use cosmetic fillers. They should also be avoided in individuals with a history of severe allergic reactions (i.e. anaphylaxis).

How much does it cost?
The cost of fillers varies with the type and amount of product used. We offer a wide variety of different fillers that perform optimally in specific locations and/or for certain issues. Dr. Lee often uses a combination approach to give you a balanced, natural-looking result.

Does it hurt?
There is mild to moderate discomfort during the procedure, but this resides quickly. Numbing medication may be used prior to the procedure in order to minimize discomfort.

Is there anything that I need to do to prepare for my treatment?
It is best to refrain from alcohol one week before treatment. Stop all anti-inflammatory medications (i.e. Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, etc.) and aspirin 2 weeks before treatment, as this will minimize your chance of bruising with the procedure. If you take aspirin because you have a history of heart disease or stroke, please consult with your primary physician before stopping aspirin.

How long will it take?
The procedure is brief and generally takes less than 30 minutes.

Is there any down time?
You may resume normal activities immediately after the procedure, though for the first 24 hours after the procedure you should avoid strenuous exercise, extensive sun or heat exposure, and alcoholic beverages. Exposure to any of the above may cause temporary redness, swelling, and/or itching at the injection sites. It is also recommended that you avoid massaging or rubbing the injected areas as this can cause the filler to migrate. Makeup may be applied 24 hours after treatment.

What are the side effects?
Most side effects are mild and of short duration (7 days or less). The most common side effects are temporary injection-site reactions such as redness, pain/tenderness, firmness, swelling, lumps/bumps, bruising, itching, and discoloration. As with all skin injection procedures, there is a small risk of infection. Serious and irreversible side effects are extremely rare.

When will I see results and how long will they last?
You will see results immediately. Most patients achieve optimal wrinkle softening in one treatment. If several areas are being targeted and/or the extent of desired correction is significant, Dr. Lee may plan for a series of step-wise treatments to gradually and naturally arrive at the preferred outcome. The duration of each individual filler varies specifically on the product and the location where it is injected. Results can last for 6-14 months. Follow up treatments 1-3 times a year are recommended to maintain results. Many patients note results last longer with consistent, additional treatments.

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Silhouette InstaLift is a minimally invasive procedure that uses biodegradable suspension sutures to immediately and discreetly lift sagging tissue in the cheeks and jowls, reshaping the contours of your face for a more youthful appearance. In addition to the immediate lifting that is seen, InstaLift also works over time to gradually regenerate collagen, adding volume to the treated areas. InstaLift is ideal for patients looking for immediate lifting results, without the downtime and scarring of a major surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for treatment with InstaLift?
The ideal candidate for Silhouette InstaLift has visible marionette lines and nasolabial folds, moderate sagging of the lower face, and good skin quality. Patients with thin skin with little to no underlying fat, excessive skin in the mandibular region, or very loose skin due to advanced aging, are not good candidates for treatment with Silhouette InstaLift.

How does InstaLift work?
Silhouette InstaLift is a dual-action procedure where suspension sutures provide immediate lifting of tissue in the face and gradual regeneration of collagen to improve facial volume and contour as the sutures slowly dissolve. It is done in the office with minimal local anesthesia and no surgery is required (i.e. no scalpels or cutting of the tissue). Each suture is guided underneath the surface of the skin through a single needle puncture smaller than the tip of a pen. We typically place 2-4 sutures on each side of the face to achieve the desired result.

How much does it cost?
The cost of Silhouette InstaLift varies based on target treatment area(s) and the number of sutures required.

Does it hurt?
There is minimal discomfort with the initial placement of the sutures and any pain resolves very quickly.

Is there anything that I need to do to prepare for my treatment?
It is best to refrain from alcohol one week before treatment. Stop all anti-inflammatory medications (i.e. Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, etc.) and aspirin 2 weeks before treatment, as this will minimize your chance of bruising with the procedure. If you take aspirin because you have a history of heart disease or stroke, please consult with your primary physician before stopping aspirin.

How long will it take?
The procedure is brief and generally lasts for 30-60 minutes.

Is there any down time?
There is some down time with Silhouette InstaLift. You may notice some swelling, redness, or bruising after the procedure which should resolve within a few days. For 2 weeks after the procedure, it is recommended that you avoid excessive neck and facial movements, exposure to direct sunlight, and participation in high impact sports, such as running. Sleep face up, elevated on pillows for 3-5 nights after the procedure. Makeup may be gently applied about 24 hours after the procedure.

What are the side effects?
After treatment, mild swelling or bruising may occur. Sometimes, a slight depression or skin irregularity may appear at insertion points. These typically disappear a few days after treatment. As with all suture procedures, there is a small risk of infection. Serious and irreversible side effects are extremely rare.

When will I see results and how long will they last?
Facial lifting is seen immediately after the procedure. In addition, patients should notice an improvement in skin volume and contour over the course of several months. As the suture material dissolves, it stimulates gradual production of collagen. The lifting and improved volume from the Silhouette InstaLift sutures will generally last for 18-24 months.

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Kybella is an FDA approved injectable medication that destroys fat cells under the chin, improving the appearance and profile of submental fullness, better known as double chin. The active ingredient in Kybella is synthetic Deoxycholic Acid, a naturally occurring substance that helps in the breakdown and absorption of fat. After treatment with Kybella fat cells can no longer accumulate fat, so further treatment is not needed for maintenance after you reach your desired treatment goal. Kybella is ideal for patients with unwanted fat under the chin that want a slimmer, more contoured under chin area.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for treatment with Kybella?
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) is a liquid solution that can be injected under the skin into specific pockets of fat cells. Once these fat cells are exposed to Kybella, they are permanently destroyed. Kybella is currently FDA-approved for submental fullness (i.e. double-chin). It is also used off-label in other locations including around the armpits to target bra fat bulge on the front and back of the trunk. Patients that are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use Kybella. It should also be avoided in patients with a history of difficulty swallowing or medical conditions involving the neck area (i.e.thyroid disorders).

How much does it cost?
The cost of Kybella varies based on the volume of product required for the treatment area and the total number of treatments needed.

Does it hurt?
Some patients describe a mild burning or aching sensation during treatment that may last for about fifteen to thirty minutes after the procedure. A topical numbing cream may be used before the procedure to minimize discomfort.

Is there anything that I need to do to prepare for my treatment?
It is best to refrain from alcohol one week before treatment. Stop all anti-inflammatory medications (i.e. Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, etc.) and aspirin 2 weeks before treatment, as this will minimize your chance of bruising with the procedure. If you take aspirin because you have a history of heart disease or stroke, please consult with your primary physician before stopping aspirin.

How long will it take?
The procedure is brief and generally takes less than thirty minutes.

Is there any down time?
You may resume normal activities immediately after the procedure, though you should avoid touching or massaging the treated area for at least 4 hours after treatment.

What are the side effects?
The most common side effects of Kybella include swelling, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness in the treatment area. More serious side effects include nerve injury in the jaw and trouble swallowing, though this is extremely rare. As with all skin injections, there is a small risk of bruising or infection.

When will I see results and how many treatments will I need?
Patients generally note improvement to submental fullness within a few weeks to 2 months after treatment. The total number of required treatments depends on the distribution and amount of submental fat, as well as your personal treatment goals. Each treatment session is spaced about one month apart, and patients should not receive more than 6 treatments total. The average number of treatments for submental fullness in our office is 2-3 treatments. When targeting fullness around the armpits/bra fat bulge, most patients achieve optimal results in 1-2 treatments.

How long will the results last?
Since the fat cells destroyed by Kybella cannot store or accumulate fat, the results are generally permanent. Once you have achieved your desired outcome, no additional treatment is necessary.

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PRP Scalp Injections

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections use components from your own blood to help improve hair growth and decrease hair loss. The platelets that are injected contain growth factors which increase blood supply to hair follicles promoting growth and hair thickness.

Hair loss can be an embarrassing issue. Male and female pattern hair loss is a genetic problem that can leave you feeling helpless. Options, like prescription drugs, are often partially effective and carry the potential for unwanted side effects. Surgical hair restoration can be expensive and does not treat the underlying medical problems. Now there is an affordable way for you to improve your hair density without surgery or harmful side effects. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for hair restoration involves a simple injection of your own platelets into the vascular layer of your scalp.

PRP for Hair Regrowth
 • Increases blood supply to the follicle
 • Increases shaft size (thickness)
 • Triggers and maintains the growth phase
 • Controls hair growth cycle
 • Decreases hair loss

How PRP Works

Platelets contain healing growth factors. Those growth factors are like signal callers that give instructions to your tissue to regenerate and multiply. This has lead different fields of medicine to utilize PRP for wound healing to speed up recovery time and regrow healthier, stronger tissue. Now doctors have discovered new benefits for hair thickening and regrowth. With PRP for Hair, your growth factors and stem cells work together to reverse the miniaturization of the hair follicle and jumpstarting dormant hair back into the growth stage.


PRP for Hair Loss

This quick injection involves the collection and concentration of your body’s own platelets using a very easy three-step process.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I am a good candidate for PRP?
Talk to Dr. Lee or Nurse Practitioner Tanner for a proper diagnosis and to create a treatment plan.

How many treatments are required?
Treatment will vary based on your need. Initially, most patients require one treatment once a month for 4 consecutive months. After the initial treatment phase, many patients benefit from single maintenance treatments 2-4 times per year.

Is the PRP for hair restoration process time consuming?
No, collecting the PRP usually only takes 10-15 minutes. And the PRP treatment itself is even faster. It often takes as little as 3-5 minutes.

Does the procedure hurt?
There may be some sensitivity. However, the injections take as little as 3-5 minutes so the discomfort is fleeting.

Is there any recovery time?
There is no downtime or a long recovery process. You may take a warm shower the evening of the treatment. In addition, it is advised to avoid using any harsh dyes or chemicals on your hair for 48 hours.

Is this a cure for baldness?
PRP is not a cure for baldness (Androgenic Alopecia). The genetic medical problem will always remain. However, there is evidence that regular treatments can significantly slow down the effects of Androgenic Alopecia and works to increase hair density.

PRP Microneedling

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) microneedling is a form of skin resurfacing that uses components from your own blood to help improve skin texture and appearance, including minimizing scarring, large pores, wrinkles, and fine lines. Your blood will be drawn into a special collection tube at our office, and then processed so that your blood separates into different components. The microneedling device will be swept across the treatment area and the PRP drawn from your blood will be spread across the area that was treated. The micro injuries caused by the microneedling will boost collagen and elastin production, and the growth factors within the platelets will signal your tissues to regenerate, leading to improved skin texture and appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I am a good candidate for PRP Microneedling?
If you are concerned about previous scarring, large pores, wrinkles, fine lines and stretch marks; or you are looking for that perfect skin glow for that upcoming event, PRP microneedling may be just what you need. Unlike many laser resurfacing procedures, PRP microneedling is generally safe, effective and predictable in ALL skin tones.

How many treatments are required?
Treatment plans will vary based on your needs and the area and problem being targeted. For most patients, we recommend 3 consecutive treatments spaced one month apart for optimal results. After the initial treatment series, many patients benefit from single maintenance treatments 1-4 times per year.

What can PRP Microneedling do for me?
 • Minimize fine lines and wrinkles
 • Shrink the appearance of pores
 • Improve skin texture and glow
 • Soften the appearance of scars
 • Make stretch marks less noticeable
 • Lighten unwanted dark spots

What is a “vampire facial?”
The term, “vampire facial,” is seen widely online and refers to PRP microneedling to the face. It is often used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, shrink pores, fade unwanted dark spots, and improve the overall texture and glow of the facial skin.

Is the PRP Microneedling process time consuming?
No, collecting the PRP usually only takes 10-15 minutes. The PRP microneedling treatment can take a few minutes to about a half hour, depending on the size of the treatment area.

Does the procedure hurt?
We typically apply topical numbing cream to the treatment area 15-30 minutes before starting. This significantly reduces any pain. There is some mild discomfort during the microneedling procedure, but the treatment is quick and most patients tolerate it just fine.

Is there any recovery time?
You may return to all normal activities after the procedure, but patients often note redness or swelling to the treatment area for about 3-5 days post procedure. Some patients also note peeling of the skin lasting 3-7 days post procedure.

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Sclerotherapy is used to treat small, superficial spider veins on the legs. A solution is injected directly into the vein you desire to treat, which causes the vein to collapse and scar over. Blood then reroutes into other, healthier veins. The treated vein is then slowly reabsorbed into the surrounding tissue, leaving behind more clear, smooth skin on the legs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are spider veins?
Spider veins of the legs are a common problem, particularly affecting women. These small, purple/red veins can form anywhere on the leg, from the top of the thigh to the ankle, and generally serve no functional purpose. Although spider veins do not pose major health problems, they may cause discomfort. Many people who suffer from spider veins also find them unsightly and often attempt to conceal them with clothing or cosmetic cover-ups. Sclerotherapy is an effective treatment to correct unwanted spider veins of the legs.

What causes spider veins?
It remains unknown why some people are affected with spider veins and others are not. There may be a slight familial predisposition to the condition. Trauma, prolonged standing and/or sitting may all possibly contribute to the formation of these veins. More women than men seem to develop this condition, perhaps as a result of pregnancy or hormones.

What is sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is a simple, in-office procedure in which a solution is directly injected into unwanted veins. Different types of solutions can be used and the majority work by irritating the lining of the blood vessel which causes them to collapse and become less noticeable. Smaller, spider veins which serve no functional purpose tend to respond best to sclerotherapy.

Is sclerotherapy time consuming?
Sclerotherapy is a brief procedure and is usually completed in less than a half hour.

Does the procedure hurt?
Patients report only minimal discomfort with sclerotherapy. Some patients experience a slight to moderate burning sensation immediately after the injection, but this disappears within a few seconds to minutes.

How many treatments are required?
Depending on the severity of your spider veins, you may require multiple treatments to achieve your desired level of improvement. The majority of our patients achieve good results in 1 to 2 treatments. Most veins will disappear within 2 weeks to 2 months after treatment.

Will I need maintenance treatments?
Most patients who have undergone sclerotherapy repeat the procedure anywhere from every 1 to 4 years. What typically happens is these patients slowly develop new spider veins as they age and/or or old ones re-emerge and a treatment is performed once these become cosmetically undesirable.

How much does sclerotherapy cost?
The cost depends on the number and extent of veins being targeted. Most treatments average around $350 per treatment.

How should I prepare for my sclerotherapy appointment?
We recommend that you avoid shaving your legs for 2 days prior to your sclerotherapy appointment, and avoid using blood thinning substances such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or vitamin E at least 2 weeks before treatment in order to decrease your risk of bruising or bleeding. If you take aspirin because you have a history of heart disease or stroke, please consult with your primary care physician before stopping aspirin. It is also recommended that you avoid excessive sun exposure for 2 weeks before treatment. It helps to wear loose fitting shorts to the procedure and bring medical- grade support hose (compression stockings) or tight leggings with you to your appointment to wear following the procedure.

Is there any recovery time?
You may resume normal activity after the procedure, but it is recommended that you avoid strenuous physical activity such as aerobics, jogging, and heavy lifting for the first 2-3 days after the procedure. It is also important to avoid hot baths or showers for 2 weeks after the procedure, and instead use lukewarm water. We advise avoiding prolonged standing in one position after the procedure.

What are the side effects after treatment?
Most patients experience no side effects with sclerotherapy. Rarely, some slight blistering may occur in the skin surrounding treatment areas. These blisters typically resolve rapidly. Patients also occasionally report a small area of hyperpigmentation (skin darkening) in some treated areas. These spots generally resolve on their own over time, and they also respond to treatment with bleaching creams. Other side effects include temporary bruising or small inconsequential clots at the site of the injection. These clots may be removed within 2 weeks in order to allow the healing process to progress normally, if necessary. For patients whose jobs require standing or sitting for long periods of time, swelling of the treatment area may occur. This swelling is treated with elevation and compression stockings.

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Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal permanently removes unwanted, dark, coarse hair in a variety of areas, eliminating the need for shaving, waxing, and plucking. The laser emits an intense beam of light that is converted to heat in the skin, which is then absorbed by the dark pigment in the hair follicles. The energy harms the hair follicle without damaging the surrounding skin. Hairs in the treatment area are either dissolved instantly or fall out within a few weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for laser hair removal?
During laser hair removal treatment, the laser emits an intense beam of light which is selectively absorbed by the dark pigment in the hair follicles. The ideal targets for the laser are dark, coarse hairs on background fair skin. Lighter, more fine hairs are not targeted as effectively by the laser, and as such do not respond as well to treatment. In patients with darker skin tones, the laser does not target the hair follicle as efficiently and treatment results may vary. For these patients, a test spot may be performed in order to ensure that no hyperpigmentation (skin darkening) occurs after treatment.

How much does it cost?
The cost of laser hair removal can vary depending on the area that you would like to have treated. There are 22 different treatment areas that can be targeted, with the cost depending on the size of the area being treated. Smaller treatment areas are less expensive, while larger treatment areas cost more. Patients can purchase a 5-pack of treatments upfront and receive their sixth treatment for free.

Does it hurt?
Most patients note slight discomfort with each pulse of the laser, describing a sensation akin to a hot rubber band snapped against the skin. Depending on the location, a numbing cream may be applied before the laser hair treatment to help minimize discomfort.

How long will it take?
Depending on the size of the area being treated, the procedure can take a few minutes to upwards of an hour.

Is there any downtime?
There is no downtime after laser hair removal and patients are free to resume all normal activities after the procedure. It is recommended that patients avoid direct sun exposure for at least one week after treatment, since the sun can sometimes darken theskin recently treated with a laser.

What are the side effects?
Patients often notice swelling or redness immediately after the procedure which usually resolves within a few hours to a few days. More rare side effects include bruising, blistering, or discoloration in the treated area.

Could the treated areas ever re-grow hair?
After 6 laser hair removal treatments, ideal candidates typically experience ~80-90% reduction in hair growth that lasts for one to several years. After that time, patients may require occasional treatments for maintenance.

Is laser hair removal ever covered by insurance?
Laser hair removal is generally considered a cosmetic procedure, and as such, is not covered by most insurance companies.

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Intense Pulsed Light Photofacial for red and brown spots

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is an effective laser treatment for skin rejuvenation and the treatment of dark spots, redness, flushing, and discoloration. The laser emits an intense beam of light that is converted to heat in the skin, which is then absorbed by pigmented and red areas. The heat destroys these unwanted lesions while the light energy simultaneously stimulates the formation of small amounts of collagen, decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improving skin texture. Treatment with IPL is ideal for patients with unwanted dark spots or unwanted redness, flushing, and dilated blood vessels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for intense pulse light (IPL) treatment?
During intense pulse light (IPL) treatment, the device emits an intense beam of light which is selectively absorbed by structures with primarily red and brown pigment. The common targets for IPL treatment include unwanted sun spots, freckles, broken blood vessels, angiomas (also known as blood blisters), and discolored scars. IPL produces the best results when these targets occur on fair, non-tanned background skin. In patients with darker skin tones, IPL does not eradicate targets as efficiently and treatment results may vary. For these patients, a test spot may be performed in order to ensure that no hyperpigmentation (skin darkening) occurs after treatment.

How much does it cost?
The cost of IPL varies depending on the area that you would like to have treated. Individual lesions and/or smaller treatment areas are less expensive, while larger treatment areas cost more.

How many treatments will I need?
Most patients are quite satisfied after one treatment. One treatment will typically eradicate an unwanted individual lesion and/or clear upwards of 50-70% of the undesirable targets. However, the ultimate number of treatments truly depends on the extent of the original problem in the context of the background skin. Ideal candidates typically achieve good results with 1-2 treatments whereas patient with darker skin tones may need additional treatments. If multiple treatments are necessary, they are usually done one month apart.

Which areas of the body can be treated with IPL?
IPL can be performed on most parts of the body. The most commonly treated areas are the face, neck, decollette area, backs of hands, forearms, and legs.

Does it hurt?
Most patients note slight discomfort with each pulse of the device, describing a sensation akin to a hot rubber band snapped against the skin. Depending on the location, a numbing cream may be applied before the treatment to help minimize discomfort.

How long will it take?
Depending on the size of the area being treated, the procedure can take a few minutes to beyond a half hour.

Is there any downtime?
There is no downtime after IPL and patients are free to resume all normal activities after the procedure. It is recommended that patients avoid direct sun exposure for at least one week after treatment, since the sun can sometimes darken the skin recently treated with the device.

What are the side effects?
Patients often notice swelling or redness immediately after the procedure which usually resolves within a few hours to a few days. More rare side effects include bruising, blistering, or discoloration in the treated area.

Will the treated spots ever come back?
The results of IPL generally need to be maintained. Most patients treat problem areas every 1-4 years. Individual lesions may come back or new lesions may arise. The rate at which undesirable lesions emerge often depends on one’s current and previous sun exposure history with more sun exposure resulting in quicker relapse.

Is IPL ever covered by insurance?
IPL is generally considered a cosmetic procedure, and as such, is not covered by most insurance companies.

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Chemical Peels

Peels reduce the appearance of skin discoloration, wrinkles, and scarring. Skin Peels use chemical substances to accelerate skin exfoliation. The gentle acids seep into the skin and encourage the sloughing away of dead skin cells. The skin revealed after is refreshed and renewed, with more even skin tone and texture and softened fine lines and wrinkles.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a chemical peel?
A chemical peel is a simple and safe procedure that can improve skin texture and tone, reduce the appearance of fine lines, lighten undesirable dark spots and scars, and promote a healthier, more youthful appearance.

How much does a chemical peel cost?
The cost depends on the type/strength of the peel and the location(s) being treated. We also offer a set of 3 peel treatments that comes with additional savings.

How many treatments will I need?
You may require multiple treatments to achieve your desired results. Chemical peels are most effective when used in a series of at least 3 treatments spaced approximately one month apart.

Does a chemical peel hurt?
Some patients report feeling a mild to moderate burning or tingling sensation during some parts of the peel. This generally passes very quickly and fans can be used during the procedure to help minimize discomfort.

How long will it take?
A chemical peel is a quick procedure that is typically completed in less than 25 minutes.

Is there any downtime?
Following your chemical peel, your skin may experience some stinging, burning, redness, tightness, and sensitivity. After about 48 hours, a slight flaking may occur, which can be controlled with moisturizers. Non-irritating make-up can be applied and worn immediately after and during the peeling process. It is extremely important to use sunscreen during this time, as your skin will be more sensitive to sunlight and prone to sunburn. It is recommended that you avoid sun exposure, glycolic acids, topical vitamin C, scrubs, and retinol creams during the peeling period. After one week your skin should look clearer and smoother and you can resume using your normal skin care products.

What are the side effects?
Patients may experience redness, stinging, itching, burning, tightness, minor swelling, and peeling of the superficial layers of the skin after a peel. Chemical peels may also cause pre-existing skin conditions to flare, such as peri-oral dermatitis, acne, or herpes simplex (i.e. cold sores). Some patients may experience skin darkening or lightening after a chemical peel, though this is very rare. Any pigmentary change usually resolves on its own, though in extremely rare instances, these changes may be prolonged or permanent.

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Cosmetic Growth Removal

With time, patients sometimes will develop lesions that, while not medically concerning, may be irritating or aesthetically unpleasing. Many of these benign lesions, including moles, skin tags, seborrheic keratosis, and sebaceous hyperplasia, may be removed with simple, in office procedures. Procedures to remove growths can include treatment with cryotherapy, snip or shave removal, or destruction with cautery, depending on the type and location of the unwanted growth.
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Scar Revision

Scars that healed poorly or are unsightly may be revised in several ways to improve the texture and appearance of the scar. Treatments will be personalized based on your specific concerns with the scar. PRP Microneedling can be used to improve the texture of scars, while IPL laser is used to improve the pigment of scars. Occasionally, complete surgical excision removal with subsequent surgical repair may be done.
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Ear Revision Surgery

Dr. Lee has extensive experience with ear revision surgery. He has treated numerous patients with problems related to previous piercings. The most common treatments include surgical correction of unsightly scars (i.e. keloids) as well as surgical repair of lacerated or distended ear lobes.
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Connect with Us!

Damascus Dermatology

26215 Ridge Road, Damascus, MD 20872
(301) 253-1100
